AC Education’s Attachment and Trauma Programme Goes Down a Storm


An estimated one in three children are exposed to a traumatic event by the age of 18. In a class of 30 students, this means approximately 10 will likely have experienced trauma. Although the level of trauma may vary, this shocking statistic highlights the critical need for schools to be attachment and trauma-aware to create a positive learning environment for these students.

Recognising the need for such training, a record number of educational professionals have signed up for and completed AC Education’s Attachment and Trauma course this year, including 160 schools across 24 local authorities, with a further 80 schools already booked for the next term. In total, the programme has been delivered to 535 schools in 31 different local authorities, positively impacting over 40,000 school colleagues.

The Importance of Teachers Being Attachment and Trauma Aware

Understanding the reasons behind student behaviour is essential for creating a supportive and effective learning environment. Schools typically fall somewhere on a spectrum between strict behavioural management policies and nurturing, compassionate approaches. Behaviourist schools might enforce strict rules and penalties, such as detention for lateness, whereas nurture schools adopt a more compassionate view, understanding that all behaviour is communication.

AC Education’s Attachment and Trauma Programme helps educators navigate this spectrum by providing them with the knowledge and tools to understand the underlying causes of behavioural issues. By recognising that behaviour often communicates unmet needs or emotional distress, teachers can respond more effectively, fostering a nurturing environment that supports both learning and emotional well-being. The programme equips schools with essential strategies to understand and support vulnerable children, improving attendance, reducing exclusions, and boosting academic engagement.

Delivered via two face-to-face sessions or a series of virtual webinars, AC’s Attachment and Trauma course offers flexibility to meet individual school needs and budgets.

The programme is led by industry experts Sheila Mulvenney, Ex-Virtual School Head and author of ‘Barriers to Learning’; Alun Rees, Ex-Virtual School Head, Policy Advisor to the National Association of Virtual School Heads (NAVSH), and author of the ‘Virtual School Handbook’; and Andrew Russell, Ex-Virtual School Head of various London Virtual Schools. Their combined experience and insights have made the course an invaluable resource for educators.

AC Education has received excellent feedback from professionals who have undertaken the programme. An example of this being Progress Schools. The Attachment and Trauma Training Programme was rolled out across all 13 sites of Progress Schools and the feedback has been excellent across all sites.

AC Education has received outstanding feedback from professionals who have undertaken the programme. An example of this is Progress Schools, where the Attachment and Trauma Training Programme was rolled out across all 13 sites. The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive across all sites.

One teacher from Progress Schools in Toxteth said:

“I learnt about how trauma can change how our brain functions, which can impact on how our students see situations and people. This understanding is crucial for us to tailor our support to truly meet the needs of our students.”


Similarly, a staff member from Lilford Centre in Tyldesley shared:

“Strategies on how to deal with challenging behaviour and paying more attention to why the behaviour is being displayed has been eye-opening. It’s about looking beyond the behaviour and understanding the root cause.”

Making Trauma-Informed Training Affordable

AC Education has recently introduced a new subscription model, making it more affordable than ever for schools to access a wide range of sector-specific courses. This model offers flexibility and cost-effectiveness, ensuring that more schools benefit from high-quality training.

AC Education’s commitment to professional development in this area is centred around shaping a future where every student can thrive, regardless of their background or experiences. For more information about the programme and to explore the new subscription model, click here.