Teacherless classroom Sabrewing programme is a significant educational leap replacing traditional teaching

with AI-driven adaptive learning platforms


Aim is not to simply replace teachers but to enhance learning


Celebrating its 50th anniversary, David Game College, an independent boarding and day school in the City of London announces the launch of its teacherless classroom Sabrewing programme – the first of its kind in the UK.  


The new initiative represents a significant leap in educational methods. No other school or college has delivered a programme that entirely replaces traditional teaching for the core curriculum in the classroom with AI-driven adaptive learning platforms. The programme offers an alternative for students who find classroom learning settings either too challenging – or not challenging enough, while also serving those who struggle with the isolation of home-based learning. 


Students learn at their own pace, allowing higher achieving students to remain challenged, while students who need more time to master their learning no longer need to worry about keeping up with the class. Learning coaches, who undergo a rigorous multi-stage recruitment process involving in-person assessment days, cognitive tests spanning verbal reasoning and emotional intelligence, support the students and will focus on their motivations, progression, and holistic wellbeing.


The programme is distinct in its emphasis on developing the whole person, equipping students not only with academic knowledge but also with the life skills necessary for personal and professional success. This is through a unique and ambitious co-curriculum, which focuses on students’ broader development in areas such as active citizenship, critical thinking, digital literacy, artistic expression, public speaking, self-awareness and entrepreneurship.


The Sabrewing programme draws its name from the remarkable Sabrewing hummingbirds. Hummingbirds are celebrated for their exceptional agility, resilience and adaptability. They also excel in navigating their environments independently and tend to fly solo even over great distances. The intention is to develop the same independence, self-reliance, resilience and adaptability in the students, as they progress on their own personalised learning journeys. 


The first intake of students will begin in September 2024, with the enrolment process now ready. The initial target is to have 20 students supported by three coaches. Prospective students and their families are encouraged to visit the David Game College website at for more information and to register their interest.


John Dalton, Co-Principal of David Game College, commented: “While the notion of classrooms without teachers might seem radical, our aim is to enhance learning, not replace teachers. This model allows students who thrive in non-traditional settings to excel through a personalised and highly supported educational journey.” 


“Education should be as innovative as the technology that shapes our world,” declared David Game, Founder and Co-Principal of David Game College. “Our aim is to advance the way education is delivered by offering a tailored educational experience that continually adapts to the needs of each student.”  


Rudolf Eliott Lockhart, Chief Executive, Independent Schools Association had this to say: 
“The Sabrewing programme is fascinating.  Using AI to drive an adaptive learning approach has the potential to be a real game-changer and at David Game College they are looking to underpin this innovative approach with serious educational expertise.  I am really excited to see this project develop and to see what the pupils can achieve.”